Tuesday, May 28, 2013


A few years back I could feel the need, desire and search beginning to boil up for me to find "my SEVA"...  In the yoga world, this is the selfless service that we do to make the world a better place.  While working at the Nosara Yoga Institute in 2011, I was writing in my favorite orange journal...  Five countries and five words with each place.  Manifesting for the future places I wanted to see and why.  Well fast forward to March 2013- this orange journal still had a few blank pages to fill so I brought it back to Costa Rica with me again to NYI for Blooma's prenatal yoga teacher training.  

Kristin O'Connell, a midwive, yogi, mother of two and founder of Devoted to Children Foundation, was coming to Blooma's training to be a guest speaker.  We had asked her to speak about her work as a midwife, what the conditions were like birthing in Costa Rica and also to talk about her newly non-profit organization she started.  Just two days before Kristin was to speak, I opened up my orange journal.  Found a page titled "2011".  There were the five countries and five words listed.  Oddly enough four out of the five listed had come true as of this point.  The one that hadn't yet happened?  Country: HAITI.  Word: SEVA.  Huh.  Isn't that interesting?

Kristin arrived in samadhi mandir, set up on the platform/ podium of sorts and started telling her story.  I was sitting in the back engaged in her experiences and she started to explained how she did her apprenticeship for midwifery by following this woman through the hospitals in Haiti.  First chill.  She continued on to how Devoted to Children got started.  Second chill.  And oh. by the way we are having a SEVA trip coming up this May.  Whoa.  Head to toe chill, goose bumps covering my arms.  Yep.  I almost had to laugh.  Fast forward a week or so to a fundraising event she hosted in Nosara where she showed a video, slide show from her last trip in Haiti- me watching with a huge lump in my throat, coming up with every excuse in the book at why I can't go in May.  "Oh it's too soon."  "Oh, I need to be home then."  "Oh, I couldn't get the money in time".  

So now it's early April and I'm winding down my stay in Nosara and planning lunches, dinners, meetings with friends to have a final goodbye before going back to Minneapolis.  Kristin and I have lunch.  Long story short, by the end of lunch I was signed up to go on the SEVA trip in May!  You saw that coming right?

It's almost a running joke in my family that as soon as I come home from one trip (even on the ride home from the airport), I say "oh! so guess where I'm going?"   Fully trusting my manifestation from years back, trusting that the places I work at in Minneapolis would see this as something worth being gone for another week, trusting that I could ask people for money and they would give it to this cause.  That's a lot of trust.  I'm not going to lie.  It was scary asking people for money.  It was hard to 'sell' what it was that I was going to be using their money for.  It was also incredibly humbling to witness the amount of support that came from those I never would have expected it, the endless words of praise for the work I was about to start,  and the awesome generosity of the 26 people that donated to go above and beyond the 2K fundraising mark.  I returned back from Nosara to Minneapolis on April 4th and left for Haiti on May 12th.  In those five weeks, I raised $2, 320!  Fast and furious I was going to Haiti. Seva. Wow.  

It was that trip that prompted me to start this blog.  Even if I am the only reader- it's to see/read the power of manifesting what I want in life by writing it down, to document the journey, and to express gratitude to those that help me along the path.  

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